
The Peace That Passes All Understanding, By Mathew D. Bonk

Last Sunday, March 14, 2010, the theme of our worship was how Jesus cares for and heals the sick and afflicted.  As part of the sermon, we asked Matt Bonk to give his testimony.   He had written it up and he read it to the congregation where it was received as a great blessing.  Here is his testimony as given to all of us and to the glory of God.


Matt’s Testimony

I am going to tell you about the most tragic thing that has ever happened in my life. However, this is also the most amazing thing that has ever happened in my life as well.

My three sons, Patrick, Marck and Luke, my wife Karen and I were camping in the Florida Keys near the city of Marathon in June of 2009. We were camping just north of the Seven Mile Bridge. We arrived at our campsite on Saturday June 6th and on Tuesday June 9th I decided I was going to walk the boys down by the bridge and go fishing.

There was a spot to go fishing on the other side of US 1. So I got the boys up early and got the fishing gear all ready and we started walking up to the highway. We got to the shoulder and there was traffic going northbound which was the lane nearest us and the southbound lane was clear. After a short time,  traffic cleared but I noticed trucks and cars were coming the other way. I turned to look at my children and started to tell them to wait when Patrick shouted, “OK Now!!” and started to run across the road. I knew he wouldn’t make it. I started to scream at Patrick to stop but he didn’t. Then I remember thinking about the on-coming truck, to stop or swerve or do something but nothing happened. Patrick met the Thomas English Muffin delivery truck right in the middle of the southbound lane. The truck stopped after it ran over Patrick and all of the cars behind him did as well. I immediately ran to Patrick lying lifeless on the highway. I told the first person I saw to call 911. A woman took Marck and Luke and sat down on the grass with them and talked and prayed. I knelt down on the road next to Patrick. He was bleeding all over his body and from under his head. His eyes were rolled back into his head and I thought he was dead. Then without hesitation I prayed a simple short prayer, but probably the most passionate prayer I have ever prayed. I said, “God, I give Patrick to you. You are the only one who can save him. Let your will be done. If he is meant to be with you then take him. No one here can help him Lord. You are the only one who can save him.” Then at that moment Patrick became conscious. He started moaning in pain and trying to lift his head. “He’s alive!” I yelled.

Time was a blur to me at that moment, I don’t know how long he was out but I know it was not long. Then the paramedics arrived and I tried to call Karen but she didn’t answer the phone. Later I found out that for some reason the phone did not ring. I was answering all the questions by the police and rescue workers when Karen called. She was calling to see if I had sunscreen on the boys.  Then I said. “Karen shut up shut up! I can’t talk now Patrick just got hit by a truck.” I later apologized for that rude way of telling her.  She understood. Karen then ran to the road and we were talking to the emergency crews when we saw the helicopter leave with Patrick heading for Miami. We all then went back to the campsite, Karen, Marck, Luke, I, and all of the Marathon Fire dept and Sheriff’s dept. We packed everything up and started the two hour drive to the hospital in Miami. While on our way, all the what-ifs started up. What if Patrick is crippled, paralyzed, or brain-dead? When any of these fears popped up, I would just say he is going to be fine, every thing is going to be okay.  At the time I thought I was just consoling my family and trying to keep them calm. Later I realized something much bigger happened.  I will talk about that later.

We finally arrived at the hospital and were told all of the injuries that Patrick had. He had many broken bones and a laundry list of severe internal injuries. He did not, however, have any brain or spinal cord injuries, praise God.  We were told what to expect when we saw him. He was on ventilator, had chest tubes, and of course IVs with sedatives to keep him from feeling the pain. We were also told that he had only a 20% chance of survival. We were in Miami for five and a half weeks with many ups and downs along the way, but there was a general improvement in Patrick’s condition. Then, in the middle of July, Patrick was transferred to Jacksonville.

While we were in Miami, Karen took a day and just cried and let out all of her emotions. The social worker said I needed to do the same thing. She said that I was doing a good job of being strong for my family, but that I shouldn’t keep bottling everything up. She, nor I, understood the truth. It wasn’t until a few months after Patrick came home that I realized exactly what happened on June 9th. When I prayed over Patrick and gave him to God. God not only raised him from the dead, because I believe Patrick was dead for a minute or so, and he does talk about visiting heaven, but God also gave me his peace. The second Patrick regained consciousness on the road, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and I knew without a doubt in my mind that Patrick was going to be fine. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was not bottling anything up. God simply gave me peace so I could minister to my family and focus on the decisions that had to be made for Patrick’s care. Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you.” I trusted God and I received that perfect peace.

I have heard of the Peace of God before, but I had never really known what it meant until now. Jesus said in John 14:27, “I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” That whole two hour plus drive back to Miami, I was not just consoling my family, I knew without a doubt in my mind that he and everything else was going to be okay. It was a fact, and even though Patrick still has struggles, he is alive walking and can ride his bike.  That is the best gift anyone can get. And Jesus gave it to us. Peace of mind and heart. I experienced the most amazing and incredible thing of my life during the most tragic experience of my life. I saw miracles happen before my eyes and experienced the gift of peace of mind and heart. Not only that, but I still have three children who belong to Jesus.

I have always heard that God will not put anything before us that we are not prepared to handle. Shortly before this accident, Karen and I came to Christ and started praying together and reading the Bible together and also reading the Bible to our children and praying with them. We had said many prayers on the way to the hospital, and Karen also gave Patrick to God. There is great power in prayer. Patrick had people across the globe praying for him, and it spread by word of mouth through family and friends.

That was my closest and most intimate time with God and it helped me and is helping me with the ongoing care with Patrick and supporting Karen, Patrick, Marck, and Luke. As Paul wrote in Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are all called to live in peace. And always be thankful.”  Thank you for Listening and God’s peace be with you.