My purpose in this section on theology is to set forth some basic theological ideas, relate them to one another, and show their relevance to practical matters such as how to live life with God.
In thinking about the Christian God, two doctrines, or fundamental ideas, are primary. They are Trinity and Incarnation. In describing these doctrines I have been most influenced by Barth and Athanasius. Hooker has also been influential. I began reading them many years ago and have repeatedly seen their ideas confirmed by Scripture. Therefore, the first theological essay in this section will be Barth's doctrine of the Trinity which I will lift from my dissertation. This will be followed by Barth on Anselm and then Athanasius. These, in my view, are orthodox theologians. There are, however, theological perspectives that are contrary to Scripture and orthodox theology. First and foremost is Schleiermacher, the father of liberal theology. The essence of his theology will be given. This will be followed by other essays showing various theological perspectives at work and evaluating them as they are given. As can be seen, some of these essays were written in the heat of controversy, and as such, show theology in action.
It is important to coordinate theology with Scripture since both condition each other. That work will be done in the section on Scripture.
Finally, in order to get a full picture of the Christian faith and its relevance to life, theology is necessary. Theology helps organize all aspects of the faith in a coherent whole. Too much of contemporary Christian practice leaves out vital aspects of the faith and theology can bring these neglected aspects into view. Hopefully, God willing, I will be able to present a fuller picture than the essays I have written at this time.
Let me encourage the reader to please pray and investigate these essays.
May God bless you, the Rev. Robert J. Sander, Ph.D.
Barth's Doctrine of the Trinity
This essay presents Barth's doctrine of the Trinity, as well as aspects of his understanding of Incarnation.
Barth on Anselm
This essay presents Barth's analysis of Anselm's "proof" for the existence of God. The essay also gives the critical insights that led to Barth's Church Dogmatics.
Saint Athanasius
A discussion of Athanasius, showing, among other things, how Trinity and Incarnation can be related.
Friedrich Schleiermacher
A discussion of Schleiermacher as the grandfather of the ecstatic or liberal way of understanding God.
Objective and Ecstatic
This essay contrasts two ways of understanding God. I call them the "objective" and the "ecstatic" approaches to God. These two ways underlie the theological division that exists in the church today. Once these two ways are seen, the way for the reform of the church can be seen in a clearer light.
The Ecstatic Heresy
Describes the principal heresy that afflicts the Episcopal Church, and in a series of contrasting statements, shows how it differs from orthodoxy.
Knowing the Christian God
This essay shows how the orthodox, Christian doctrines of Trinity and Incarnation imply that knowing the Christian God entails both a personal encounter and a miracle.
Introduction to Anglican Theology
A course of six lessons on early Anglicanism.
Mystical Paganism -- An Analysis of the Presiding Bishop's Public Statements
This essay is a theological analysis of public statements made by the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. This essay shows that he espouses a definite theological perspective, the ecstatic perspective. The essay also sheds light on the corporate thinking of the Episcopal Church.
Timothy Sedgwick's Sacramental Ethics
This essay spells out the fatal ethical consequences of denying God's transcendence and his Speech.
Lonergan and Modern Mathematics
A rather technical essay analyzing Bernard Lonergan's concept of God as developed in his book Insight. His concept of God is considered in light of modern mathematics. Essay presupposes some knowledge of Lonergan and modern mathematics.
Alister McGrath, A Passion for Truth
A theological analysis of Alister McGrath's A Passion for Truth, showing that his evangelical position could be strengthened by resolving the theological problem posed by Kant.
Hooker and the Moral Law
An introduction to Hooker's understanding of natural law and how it applies to sexual ethics.
Does Doctrine Matter?
Shows why doctrine is so critical for rightly interpreting Scripture and distinguishing truth from error.
Reason in Hooker
An essay on the role of reason in Hooker, together with some implications for contemporary Christian thought.
Karl Barth, the German Christians, and ECUSA
An essay describing how the theology afflicting significant portions of the Episcopal Church, and the operant theology of the Nazi Christians, are variants of the same heresy, the ecstatic heresy.
An Egregious Theological Failure
An investigation of a report by the House of Bishop's Theological Committee, showing how it reflects ecstatic assumptions, assumptions that are never examined by the committee's report.
Seminary Education Today
As essay which briefly describes some of the worst defects of contemporary seminary education, thereby pointing the way toward its reform.
The Future of Anglicanism
As essay presented in class to Anglican Mission seminary students in which I emphasize the importance of theology, the work of the Spirit, and social action for the future of Anglicanism.
Justification, the Reformers, and Rome
This essay describes the Roman Catholic doctrine of justification and compares it with the Anglican view.
Penal Substitution, Context and Significance
This essay relates the doctrine of penal substitution to the Kingdom as proclaimed and lived by Jesus, and at the same time, describes how a recent important evangelical text on penal substitution fails to make that vital connection.
Richard Hooker on the Holy Eucharist
This essay describes Richard Hooker's doctrine of the Eucharist and relates it to Scripture, God's acts, and our coming to Eucharist.
An Anglican School
This essay sets forth a vision for an Anglican Seminary that would incorporate the ancient tradition by being evangelical, catholic in the wide sense of the term, and charismatic. We need such a seminary today.
Karl Barth and William James
This essay discusses aspects of the theology of Karl Barth in the light of William James. It goes to the heart of issues of contemporary theology, including such matters as how God can be known, whether God does miracles in the past and present, issues of biblical hermeneutics, and more.
Trinity and Incarnation
This essay presents the doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation through an analysis of Isaiah 6 and John's Gospel.
The Creeds and Biblical Interpretation
Begins with the creeds, above all the Nicene Creed, and deduces some principles for biblical interpretation.
Cranmer on Salvation
Discusses aspects of Cranmer's homily on salvation and its relevance for contemporary evangelicalism.
Augustine and Plotinus
Discusses St. Augustine's appropriation of Plotinus, and its relevance to how the West has understood the encounter with God.
Saving Lost Souls
Gives a practical, theological, and biblical perspective on how to minister to lost and broken souls
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
Discusses the phrase from the Nicene Creed, "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."
Doctrine in the New Testament
Lists the New Testament verses that affirm that doctrine is absolutely essential to the Christian and that it cannot be changed.
The Rev. Robert J. Sanders, Ph.D.
An Egregious Theological Failure
Anglicanism and Justification - Introduction to Anglicanism
Barth - Reconciliation and Economic Life Chapter Three
Barth's Creation and Economic Life Chapter Two
Barth's Doctrine of the Trinity - Chapter One
Capitalism and Paganism--An Intimate Connection
Creation, Science, and the New World Order
Introduction to Anglican Theology - Anglicanism and the Prayer Book
Introduction to Anglicanism - Anglicanism and Justification
Introduction to the Theological Essays
John Jewel and the Roman Church
Karl Barth, the German Christians, and ECUSA - Introduction
Mathematics, Science, and the Love of God
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Some Reflections On Evil and the Existence of God
The Historical Jesus and the Spirit