
Barth Bibliography

Works By Karl Barth

Against the Stream. Edited by Ronald Gregor Smith. London: SCM Press, 1954.

Anselm: Fides quaerens intellectum. Translated by Louise Smith. New York: Harper and Row, 1962.

Call for God. Translated by A.T. Mackey. London: SCM Press, 1967.

Christ and Adam. Translated by T.A. Smail. New York: Collier Books, 1962.

The Christian Cause. New York: The MacMillan Co., 1944.

The Christian Churches and the Living Reality. Translated by E. Allen. London: Hutchinson, 1946.

The Christian Life. (Church Dogmatics IV,4 Lecture Fragments.) Translated by Geoffrey Bromiley. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1981.

Die christliche Gemeinde in der Anfechtung Basel: Druck und Verlag Gaiser und Haldimann, 1942.

Church Dogmatics. Vol. I. The Doctrine of the Word of God. VolI :1 (second edition). Vol. II. The Doctrine of God. Vol. III. The Doctrine of Creation. Vol. IV. The Doctrine of Reconciliation. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1936-61.

The Church and the Churches: A message from Professor Barth to the World Conference on Faith and Order at Edinburgh. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. P. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1936.

The Church and the Political Problem of our Day. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1939.

The Church and the War. Translated by Antonia H. Freendt. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1944.

Come Holy Spirit. Translated by Richard Ernst, and Honrighausen. New York: Round Table Press, 1939.

Community, State, and Church. Translated by A. M. Hall, G. Ronald Howe, and Stanley Godman. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1960.

Credo. Translated by J. Strathearn McNab. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1962.

Deliverance to the Captives. Translated by Marguerite Wieser. New York: Harper, 1961.

Dogmatics in Outline. Translated by G.T. Thompson. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1959.

The Epistle to the Phillipians. Translated by James W. Leitch. London: SCM Press LTD, 1962.

The Epistle to the Romans. Translated by Edwyn C. Hoskns. London: Oxford university Press, 1935.

Evangelical Theology: An Introduction. Translated by Grover Foley. New York, Chicago, San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1963.

The Faith of the Church. Edited by Jean-Louis Louba. Translated by Gabriel Vahanian. New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1958.

The German Church Conflict. Translated by P. T. A. Parker. Richmond: John Know press, 1965.

The Germans and Ourselves. Translated by Ronald C. Smity. London: Nisbet and Company, 1945.

God Here and Now. Translated by Paul M. Van Buren. 1st Ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.

God in Action. Translated by E. G. Homrighausen and Karl J. Ernst. Manhasset, Long Island, N.Y.: Round Table Press, 1963.

God's Search for Man. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1935.

God, Grace, and Gospel. Translated by J. Strathearn McNab. Edinburgh: Oliver and Body, 1959, 1959.

Der Götze wackelt. Berlin: Käthe Vogt Verlag, 1961.

The Great Promise. Translated by Hans Freund. New York: Philosophical Library, 1963.

The Heidelberg Catechism for Today. Translated by Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. Richmond, Va.: John Know Press, 1964.

The Holy Ghost and the Christian Life. Translated by Birch Hoyle. London: F. Muller, LTD., 1938.

How I Changed My mind. Introduction and Epilogue by John D. Godsey. Richmond, Virginia: John Know Press, 1966.

How to Serve God in A Marxist Land. Translated by Henry Clark and James D. Smart. New York: Association Press, 1959.

The Humanity of God. Translated by John Newton Thomas and Thomas Wieser. Richmond, Va.: John Knox Press, 1960.

Karl Barth's Table Talk. Recorded and Edited by John Godsey. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1963.

The Knowledge of God and the Service of God According to the Teaching of the Reformation. Translated by J.L. Haire and Ian Henderson. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1938.

A Letter to Great Britain from Switzerland. London: The Sheldon Press, 1941.

Natural Theology. (Comprising "Nature and Grace" by Emil Brunner and the reply "No" by Karl Barth.) Edited by Geoffrey Bromiley, Translated by Peter Fraenkel. London: Centenary Press, 1946.

The Only Way. Translated by Marta K. Neufeld and Ronald Gregor Smith. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947.

Die Ordung der Gemeinde. München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1955.

Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century; Its Background and History. London: SCM Press, 1972.

The Resurrection of the Dead. Translated by H.J. Stenning. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1933.

A Shorter Commentary On Romans. London: SCM Press LTD, 1959.

Theological Existence Today. Translated by Birch Hoyle. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1933.

Die Unordnung der Welt und Gottes Heilsplan. Zollikon-Zurich: Evangelischer Verlag, 1948.

Die Wirklichkeit des neuen Menschen. Zollikon-Zurich: Evangelischer Verlag, 1950.

The Word of God and the Word of Man. Translated by Douglas Horton. New York: Harper Torchbooks, Harper and Brothers, 1956.


Books on Barth

Balthasar, Hans Urs von. The Theology of Karl Barth. Translated by John Drury, New York; Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston, 1971.

Berkouwer, G. C. The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1956.

Bouillard, H. Karl Barth. 3 vols. Paris: Aubier, 1957.

Bromiley, G.W. Karl Barth, An introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979.

Busch, Everhard. Karl Barth. Translated by John Bowden, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.

Butler, Gerald Allen. Karl Barth and Political Theology. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1973. VTS 115 .P7 B76.

Camfield, Frederick W. Revelation and the Holy Spirit: An Essay in Barthian Theology. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934.

Casalis, George. Portrait of Karl Barth. Translated by Robert M. Brown. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., 1963.

Cochrane, Arthur C. The Church's Confession Under Hitler. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1962.

Dannemann, Ulrich. Theologie und Politik em Denken Karl Barth's München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1977.

Fairweather, A. M. The Word as Truth. London: Lutterworth Press, 1944.

Footnotes to a Theology. (edited by H. Martin Rumscheidt) Canada: The corporation for the Publication of Academic Studies in Religion in Canada, 1974.

Gollwitzer, Helmut. The Christian Faith and the Marxist Criticism of Religion. Translated by David Cairns. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1962.

Gollwitzer, Helmust. Reich Gottes und Sozialismus bei Karl Barth. Munchen: Kaiser, 1972.

Hartwell, Herbert. The theology of Karl Barth. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1964.

Jenson, Robert W. Alpha and Omega: A Study in the Theology of Karl Barth. New York, Edinburgh, Toronto: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1963.

Karl Barth and Radical Politics. edited and translated by George Hunsinger, Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1976.

Klooster, Fred H. The Significance of Barth's Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1967.

Kupisch, Karl. Begegung mit Karl Barth; eine historisch-politische Betrachtung. Munchen: Kaiser, 1958.

Lessing, Eckhard. Das Problem der Gesellschaft in der Theologie Karl Barth und Friedrich Gogartens. Gutersloher Verlagshaus, 1972

Marquardt, Friedrich-Wilhelm. Theologie und Sozialismus: Das Beispiel Karl Barths. München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1972.

Palma, Robert J. Karl Barth's Theology of Culture. Allisin Park, Penn.: Pickwick Publications, 1983.

Smart, James D. The Divided Mind of Modern Theology: Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann, 1908-1933. Philadelphia: The Westminster press, 1967.

Welsch, Claude. In His Name. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972.

West, Charles C. Communism and the Theologians. Philadelphia: The Westminister Press, 1958.

Williamson, Rene de Visme. Politics and Protestant Theology. Baton Rouge, Lousiana: State University Press, 1976.

Wingren, Gustaf. Theology in Conflict. Translated by E. H. Wahlstrom, philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1968.

Yoder, J. H. Karl Barth and the Problem of War. Nashville: Abingdon press, 1970.


Articles by or about Barth

Baranowski, Shelly. "The primacy of theology: Karl Barth and socialism," Studies in Religion, 10, (1981): pp. 451-461.

Bentley, James. "Karl Barth as a Christian Socialist." Theology 76 (July 1973): pp. 349-56.

Bettis, Joseph. "Theology and Critical Theory in Marcuse and Barth." Studies in Religion 7 N. 2 (1978): pp. 193-206.

Bettis, Joseph. "Theology and Politics: Karl Barth and Reinhold Niebuhr on Social Ethics after Liberalism." Religion in Life (Spring 79): pp. 53-62.

Brown, James. "Karl Barth's Doctrine of the Sabbath." Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 19, (1966): pp. 409-425.

Butler, Gerald A. "Karl Barth and Political Theology." Scottish Journal of Theology 27 (1974): pp. 441-458.

Dannemann, Ulrich. "Karl Barth und der religiöse Sozialismus," Evangelische Theologie 37 (March-April 1977): pp. 127-148.

Deschner, John. "Karl Barth as Political Activist," Union Seminary Quarterly Review, 28 No. 1 (Fall, 1972): pp. 53-66.

Fletcher, Verne. "Barth's Concept of Co-Humanity and the Search for Human Community." South East Asia Journal of Theology 9 (April, 1968): pp. 36-48.

Herzog, Frederick. "In Reply," Union Seminary Quarterly Review 28 No.1 (Fall, 1972): pp. 83-84.

Herzog, Frederick. "Response." Union Seminary Quarterly Review 28 No. 1 (Fall 1972): pp. 79-81.

Hood, R.E. "Karl Barth's Christological Basis for the State and Political Praxis," Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 33, pp. 236-237.

Hunsinger, George. "Karl Barth and Radical Politics: Some Further Considerations." Studies in Religion 7, No. 2 (1978): pp. 167-92).

Lehmann, Paul. "Karl Barth, Theologian of Permanent Revolution," Union Seminary Quarterly Review 28 No.1 (Fall, 1972): pp. 67-82.

Lindt, Andreas. "Karl Barth und Der Sozialismus." Reformatio 24 (July-August): pp. 394-404.

M. M. Thomas, "Significance of Marxist and Barthian Insights for a Theology of Religion," Religion and Society 21 (December, 1974): pp. 58-66.


Books by Juan Luis Segundo

De la sociedad a la teología. Buenos Aires: Carlos Lohle, 1970.

Evolution and Guilt. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1974.

Grace and the human Condition. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1973.

Masas y minor&#


An Anglican School

An Egregious Theological Failure

Anglicanism and Justification - Introduction to Anglicanism

Augustine and Plotinus

Baptism and Covenant

Baptism and God the Father

Baptism and the Holy Spirit

Baptism and the Lord Jesus

Barth - Reconciliation and Economic Life Chapter Three

Barth Bibliography

Barth's Creation and Economic Life Chapter Two

Barth's Doctrine of the Trinity - Chapter One

Capitalism and Paganism--An Intimate Connection

Creation, Science, and the New World Order

Does Doctrine Matter?

Friedrich Schleiermacher

Gnosticism Revived

Introduction to Anglican Theology - Anglicanism and the Prayer Book

Introduction to Anglicanism - Anglicanism and Justification

Introduction to Dissertation

Introduction to the Theological Essays

John Jewel and the Roman Church

Jude the Obscure

Kark Barth and William James

Karl Barth

Karl Barth, the German Christians, and ECUSA - Introduction

Martin Luther and Just War

Mathematics, Science, and the Love of God

Miracle and a Personal God

Mystical Paganism

Objective and Ecstatic

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

Orthodoxy and Revisionism

Saint Athanasius

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Some Reflections On Evil and the Existence of God

Spiritual Autobiography

The Apology by John Jewel

The Apostles’ Creed

The Historical Jesus and the Spirit

The Life of the World to Come

The Quest for the Historical Jesus

The Renewal of the Episcopate

The Spirituality of Poverty

The Truth of Community

The Wrath of God


Theology Denied

Violence and the Filioque

Wild Mountain Thyme