
The Resurrection

In this and the next two lessons, we will study three great events, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his ascension, and the coming of the Holy Spirit promised in our baptism. By means of these events the Lord Jesus lives at the right hand of God where he exercises all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). He exercises this power through the work of the Holy Spirit and through the ministry of those who follow him. As Jesus acts, he works to establish his Kingdom in every village, community, and nation throughout the world.

Before we begin this introduction, however, let us remember to greet each other in the name of Jesus, to give thanks to the Lord for he is good, to listen to any needs that any in your group may have, to give thanks for each other and God's blessings, and to commit ourselves to helping each other along the way. Are there any members of your group that need special help? Are there some who have not been coming to your meetings and need a visit? Have you been keeping your pastor and other leaders aware of your needs, and have you been open to their guidance as you seek to minister to members of your community? You do not need to answer all these questions at once, but perhaps there are some things that need attention before you begin this lesson on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let us begin with a prayer.

Heavenly Father, we thank you that by your mighty power you have raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Help us we pray to commit ourselves to him daily that we might inherit that glorious resurrection and eternal life promised to those who believe in him and live for him. All this we ask, thanking you for your great mercy. Amen.

In a previous lesson, The Cross and Resurrection, we read Luke 22:7-24:49, the account of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. In this lesson, we will read all of Luke chapter 24, the last chapter of the gospel of Luke. Please read chapter 24 out loud at least twice and then answer the following questions.

Luke Chapter 24

1. What in this passage would indicate that Jesus was alive and raised body and soul from the dead?

2. Although Jesus was raised body and soul from the dead, he was not bound by space and time as we are. He was free to appear and disappear as he would wish. For example, in John 20:26-27, Jesus suddenly appeared to his disciples even though they were in a room with locked doors. Or, in Matthew 28:9, the text says that Jesus suddenly met the women, as if he did not come walking up to them but suddenly appeared. What, in this passage from Luke 24 would indicate that Jesus was free to appear to his disciples and then disappear as well?

3. In previous lessons we read passages from the Old Testament and interpreted them as fulfilled in Christ. What does Jesus say about this as found in Luke 24?

4. In our lesson, Worship and the Covenant, we studied Exodus 24:1-11 and learned that Moses and the elders saw God as they ate a sacred meal. What in Luke 24 would indicate that the disciples recognized Jesus as he took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to the disciples? In the Holy Communion, or Holy Eucharist, Christians remember Jesus' death and resurrection by taking bread, giving thanks, breaking it, and sharing it among themselves. At that time, Jesus can become very real to those who believe. Have any of you experienced the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist in a special way? If so, what was that like, or what happened?

5. In a previous lesson, The Cross and Resurrection, we learned that Jesus bore the wrath of God on the cross. He atoned for our sins by dying in our place, he was broken by our sin and suffering, and in spite of all these things, he proclaimed the forgiveness of sins as he hung dying. Then, on the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead. According to Luke 24:47-48, the disciples were to tell others about these great saving events. We have their witness in the gospel of Luke and throughout the New Testament. We can, therefore, proclaim these saving acts of God by proclaiming the disciples' testimony. We also give testimony to what Christ has done in our lives. How have you, by your words and deeds, witnessed to and proclaimed, the saving life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as known in Scripture? Have you witnessed to the liberating power of Christ dying in your place, forgiving your sins, and giving you a new life by the power of his mighty resurrection? What has been the results of your testimony?

6. According to Luke 24:49, the disciples were to wait in Jerusalem until they had been "clothed with power from on high." This refers to the coming of the Holy Spirit which we will study shortly. For the moment, however, share with each other what you know of the Holy Spirit, and how the Spirit has been active in your lives.

There are many more important things we could say about the resurrection. We will study them in future lessons, but for the moment, let me list some of them.

1. God raised Jesus from the dead. He died once, but he will never die again. Those who believe in Jesus will die once, but be raised from the dead and given eternal life.

2. When Jesus was crucified, he suffered the sins, sorrows, death, and evil powers of this world. By his resurrection, all sin, suffering, sickness, sorrow, and evil powers are conquered in Christ Jesus. Those who believe in him have this victory, beginning in this life and completed in the life to come.

3. After Jesus was raised from the dead, he ascended into the very presence of God, and believers, even today, can enter into the presence of the living God. In the presence of God we are treated as sons and daughters. We can know the Lord Jesus Christ intimately, and through him, hear the voice and see the face of the living God. Commissioned by Jesus, we have a reason to live, a hope in suffering, and the certainty of eternal forgiveness, mercy, and love.

4. By virtue of his resurrection, Christ creates a body of believers who live by, with, and for him. In this great fellowship, believers can know a love that overcomes the world.

5. In light of the resurrection, what would be your answers to the five fundamental questions of this series of lessons: Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we now? Where are we going? What must we do?

6. Finally, in light of the resurrection, how do you think Jesus has changed our relationship to God, to each other, to our use of our possessions and other material resources, and to the work of the devil in our lives?

O great and living God, whose words are thunder and whose face a flaming fire, we fall before the crucifixion and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ the Lord. Pour out upon us you Holy Spirit, that though the mediation of his eternal mercies, we might enter into your very presence, to see your face, hear you words, and know your love forever. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

In our next lesson we will study the ascension.
The Rev. Robert J. Sanders, Ph.D.
February, 2013