
Review and Thanksgiving

We have now come to the end of the first section of lessons. We have covered many things, above all, forgiveness, being healed, and being justified. It would be good to do two things, review past lessons and then, for your next meeting, have no lesson, but simply have a party and enjoy each other's company. Every community has different ideas on how to rest and give thanks together, but generally speaking, it often involves singing and a meal as well as time to talk. For now, however, let us review what we have already learned and put into action, beginning with a prayer.

Lord Jesus, we give you great thanks that you have called us to be your disciples. As we follow in your footsteps, please make yourself more and more real to us, that we may hear your voice, see your face, and walk with you always, even into eternal life. Amen.

Please read aloud, at least once, the following review, and then answer the questions at the end.


Review of Past Lessons

1. We began with following Jesus, being with him on a daily basis.
2. Followers of Jesus worship with their church on Sunday, work with their leadership to carry out the mission of the church, pray, study, and listen to Jesus each day, and belong to a small group.
3. Followers of Jesus repent of their sins, especially their failure to keep the Ten Commandments. They confess their sins to one another and receive forgiveness.
4. Believers in Christ pray for one another, and help each other surrender all the sins, abuse, and harm they have received to the Lord Jesus. They forgive their enemies, and if they find that difficult, they continue to pray that God will help them to forgive.
4. Believers put forgiveness into action. They seek out those they have wronged, or those who have wronged them, and if they think reconciliation is possible, they seek to be reconciled.
5. Because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, those who have faith in Jesus are justified by God, clothed in the righteousness of Christ. They do not condemn themselves or others.
6. Even as they are clothed with the righteousness of Christ and accepted by God, those who follow Jesus struggle against sin. They help each other in this struggle and give thanks, that by the power of Christ's resurrection, they will conquer all sin, sorrow, and darkness, beginning in this life and completed in the life to come.


Questions for Discussion

1. Thinking back over the weeks you have been with your group, how has God helped you as you have met together, prayed for each other, and applied these lessons to your lives?
2. In what ways have you found it difficult to follow Jesus? How has you life been changed?
3. Has Jesus, especially his cross and resurrection, become more real to you? What do you remember most about him? What has he done that has been the greatest blessing to you?
4. What are some of the ways that members of your small group have helped you follow Jesus and been a blessing to you?
5. How can you and your group continue to apply these lessons as you meet together in the future? Have you continued to pray for each other, that God would heal you, and that you would be empowered to put forgiveness in action?
6. In what ways do you still need help from Jesus and your group members?


Further Questions

1. At times, the Christian life is difficult, and there are people who do not continue to follow Jesus. Have any members of your group left the group? Do you need to talk to them and encourage them? Are they open to receiving you, or do you need to pray and wait until they will receive you?
2. At times, groups become too large. Group members invite other persons to the group and the group grows. Once a group gets too large, beyond twelve, more or less, it is impossible for all to participate. Do you need to divide your group? Please consult with the leadership of your church on this matter.
3. Now is a good time to let other people lead your group if that would be helpful. Good leaders always teach others to be leaders. Pray for God to show you, and especially your group leader, who should lead the group for the next few lessons. Also, you need a person or persons who will read the lessons in advance and present them to you in a helpful fashion. Are there other persons who are qualified to do this? Perhaps it would be good to give them an opportunity.
4. Has your group become rather small? Would new members be helpful? Perhaps the leaders of your church know of persons who would benefit from being in your small group. Perhaps your group should join another group in your church. Please pray about this and talk to your church's leadership.


Next Week

Before you end this lesson, please take some time to plan your party for next week. Let God be good to you. He is thankful that you honor him by following his Son. A time of rejoicing is in order. You are the Lord's beloved. What a blessing. Let us end this lesson with some words from St. Paul.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:4-7).

The Rev. Robert J. Sanders, Ph.D.
February, 2013