

The following essays are on the subject of spirituality. In the literature, the term "spirituality" is rather loosely defined. I take it to mean the encounter with God and matters associated with that encounter. Since I take an objective approach to God in his revelation, I think it possible for God to speak and show his face. Above all, I consider Scripture, the sacraments of baptism and Eucharist, as well as Christian community, to be the places where this happens. Unlike certain traditions, I do not consider the encounter with God a flight "of the alone to the alone." Seeing and hearing God is social and historical, gathering up the history of the world and the self into the life of the world to come. The essays follow.

Isaiah 6

Shows that Isaiah 6 reveals God in both his objective immediate self as well as in his holy transcendence.

Being Baptized with the Holy Spirit

An essay describing what God does as He baptizes with the Holy Spirit and Fire.


Gives a glimpse of the great freedom found in the gospel.

Speaking in Tongues

Introduces speaking in tongues and discusses several misconceptions regarding this gift of the Spirit.

The Wrath of God

Describes aspects of the Scriptural understanding of the wrath of God.

The Spirituality of Poverty

Shows how poverty can be used by God to reveals our sins and wounds, and therefore make it possible through repentance to see and hear God.

The Vision of God

Proclaims the vision of God as the goal of all things.

Liberal and Conservative, Spiritually Considered

Briefly describes how both liberals and conservatives reflect inner spiritual conditions as they confront each other.

Eucharist and Charismatic Worship

Describes how charismatic worship often brings one before the throne, but Eucharist brings one with Christ into his glory.

Spirituality and Incarnation

This essay describes why, biblically and theologically, the encounter with God involves the senses and the whole people of God. In other words, the encounter with God is incarnational.

The Recent Election, Spiritually Considered

Discusses the reelection of George W. Bush in the context of biblical faith versus paganism.

The Weather out in Kansas

A short essay on longing written for a class in St. John of the Cross.

A Rule of Life

Gives a sample rule of life to direct a person toward God.

Light Upon the Autumn Leaves

A poem about life and what endures.

A New Heart and Soul

Shows how to minister a new heart and soul to those who wish to follow Jesus. 

The Rev. Robert J. Sanders, Ph.D.